The Sky Inside: A Dance Class
The Sky Inside is a slow and quiet spiraling into one’s body. It’s a dance that reaches into the depths of that body, to find imagination. Through sustained and thoughtful practice, the thinking mind quiets, and the intuitive mind is given space to step forward. This is the moment, when the intuitive mind and the imaginative body are working in tandem, that the dancing opens — to infinite possibility and wonder.
“My body yearns for that quiet place of the sky inside, where everything makes sense without being anything at all”. — Audrey Grace
I begin class by guiding everyone through a gentle warm-up, with a focus on listening to the breath and sensations within one's body.
After the warm-up, I give the group an image to play with, such as: "Notice the roundness of your movement and your stillness. Notice how the roundness of your movement spills into the roundness of your stillness. Notice how the roundness of your stillness spills into the roundness of your movement." Then I'll say: "As you drop and fall into the dance today, a dance that is already in the room, simply waiting for you to begin, notice this spilling roundness from time to time, as you also notice your breath, and as you also notice your body in space, in stillness and in movement."
After that, I won't say anything until I bring the dancing to a close.
This class is built on cultivating our curiosity about what is arising inside of us, and following that arising with ease and inquisitiveness. We follow the thread of this dance with our breath and body as our guide.
This dance can be: scary, boring, lonely, lovely, blissful, serene, wild, disconnected, connected, delightful, sinking, rising, floating, and so so pleasurable, because this dance of the sky — it waits. Until there is no other choice but to begin.
“Only when we get to look back on this will we really understand how this class held us and changed us, and dare I say, loved us.” Paulette Fire
photo By Averill Hovey, 2018
Sky Inside Dance Classes, Summer, 2024
Fridays, July 5th-August 30th, 10am-1pm MSt, in The Shop
Sundays, June 9th-August 25th, 10am-1pm MST, on Zoom
“This is the kindest place I’ve ever been.”
Alana Rancourt Phinney
photo by Lauren Click, 2018
“This is the dance I want to be doing when I die.” Nancy Ruff
“While I feel The Sky Inside is medicine for what hurts, on so many levels, it is also art and magic and sustenance and ineffable.” — Gabrielle Edison
Frequently Asked Questions about Dance Classes:
Is it okay to take class if I’m a beginner?
Yes. Anyone, of any level of experience, is welcome to take this class
What is your refund policy?
It is important to me that this class provides you with freedom and magic in your dancing. This means you must show up. I know that if you continually show up, you will access parts of yourself that you didn’t know were there. If you show up to all of the classes you signed up for, and still don’t get value from your experience, then l will refund you 100% of your class fee, no questions asked.
Do you carry over missed classes?
No. Please plan on attending the classes you sign-up for.
Are you holding dance classes in person?
A mix of in-person and Zoom classes are currently being held.