The Hamsters Are Back

When my nephew was in 6th grade, he asked his teacher about the constant whirring sound he was hearing in the ceiling above the classroom.  

His teacher said, with a wink, that it was the hamsters, who lived in the ceiling of the school, running and running and running, in their little hamster wheels, to keep the lights on in the classroom.


My nephew missed the wink.

I missed the wink, and for a few days both of us were mesmerized by the vision of thousands of hamsters, running, to create a vital source of alternative energy for his school.


It was only when I wondered aloud about the intricacies of this innovative and cutting-edge method of keeping the lights on, that my ever intrepid partner Glen, steered me back to reality.


But sometimes:


When I am in that delectable state of surrender,


When I am waiting, noticing, and following the dance that is emerging, both from within me and outside of me,


When I hear the sounds of the world around me:  a dog barking, someone talking on their phone, a baby crying, the clicking of the computer keys, the birthday party next door, someone making a deal with someone else, across an ocean,


I understand that it is me who is the hamster in the ceiling, running.


I understand that it is the dancers, painters, singers and writers who are the hamsters in the ceiling - running and running and running - making sure that the lights stay on.


Let’s be the hamsters right now, you and I.


You know, and I know about the fear and the greed that is taking hold of The United States at this very moment.


You know, and I know that this fear, this greed, has the potential to strangle and twist our humanity into something unrecognizable.


Let’s be the kind of hamsters that are willing to do the work of keeping the lights on, so that when it is dark, we can use that time to rest and dream, with ease, contentment, and tranquility.


I’ve got my hamster running shoes on, do you?


I’m gonna start my run how I always start my run these days:


By lying down on the floor to give my nervous system a rest, as I wait to be moved by a dance that I cannot understand, and will not know until it begins.


"May we all move freely some day in bodies that are authentic and vulnerable and valued."  Said Margaret Harris, one of my first ever dance students, who began dancing with me 13 years ago when I first started teaching.

Margaret moved to Wyoming a few years ago, and I miss her terribly. As I begin my hamster run this morning by lying on the floor, feeling my body against the earth, waiting to be moved, I will let Margaret’s words wash over me, imprint on me, and descend into my bones.


Your Dance Mission for the Week is to put on your hamster running shoes, and wait.


Lie on the floor, notice your breath, and wait until you are moved to dance.


Wait as long as you need to wait.


Don’t hurry it along.


Don’t make it something it is not out of fear or anxiety.


Just wait.


The dance will emerge in it’s own time, and when it does - go.


Share this newsletter far and wide, so that we are not the only hamsters working to keep the lights on.


With Warmth and Jivey Vibes, Joanna of Joanna and The Agitators sweetly agitating/persistently upending

PS's for Today:

Free Dance Classes Coming Up Soon! Tuesday, Sept 6th and/or Thursday, Sept 8th from 11-1pm at The Boulder Circus Center. Let me know if you plan on being there, and feel free to bring a friend along.

Sign up to Dance with me: Click here. Dog Dance: The 3rd Friday of every month starting in September. More Info Coming as we get closer to the start date.

xo jo