data entry
/I was working for a non-profit in Northampton, MA and was doing such a good job with my data entry skills (I’m very good at faking it) that they asked me to apply to be the Director of Fiscal Operations.
I thought, “This is it. This is what I was meant to do. I’m done struggling with these low-paying jobs that barely leave me any time, money, or energy to dance on the side. I’m going to be The Director of Physical Operations!”
I began planning the dance class I would teach to the staff the minute I got home from work.
I went to the interview a few weeks later in my favorite dance pants and lucky t-shirt.
I started out by having everyone lie down on the carpeted office floor, with chairs and desks pushed to the side, feeling our breath and extending through the diagonals of our bodies.
I was surprised that everyone was in pantyhose, skirts, and heels, but that was okay, I could work with it.
As I guided everyone to sense their bodies moving through space and to notice where their eyes were drawn to, even if they were closed, the woman who had suggested I apply for the job, stopped me and said:
“Let’s pause for a moment and make sure we are all on the same page here. We’re interviewing you for the Director of Fiscal Operations Position.”
“Oh, I know. I have a whole curriculum in place for the physical well-being of your staff. I feel confident I can direct the Physical Operations of this organization.”
“FISCAL,” she said, “As in finance and money. We’re looking for a Fiscal Director. Not a PHYSICAL Director.”
I paused for a moment and took that in.
“What? Wait. No. I'm confused. Ohhhhhhhhh. OH NO."
I started to laugh uncontrollably, and then everyone on the interview panel began to laugh too.
When we all quieted down, I asked if they’d like to continue with the dancing, since we had the time set aside anyway, and they had taken their high heels off at this point.
We ended up dancing together for the next half an hour and then I went back to my desk and continued with my data entry in my dance pants and lucky t-shirt.
I stayed on doing data entry at that job for another year, and got along fabulously with the Fiscal Director they eventually hired.
Monday and Wednesday mornings I came in an hour early to teach a dance class to the staff.
Oh Dancing!
You fill my heart up, you make it ache, and then you fill it again.
Your dance mission for the week is to find some time on your own, when no one else is around.
Lie down on the floor if that is comfortable for you, and if it's not, sit on a chair or stand.
Notice your body against the earth, carving into air. Where are your eyes? What is the quality of your breath like?
Listen closely to your own body and the curiosity bubbling up inside.
What strange and beautiful details are rippling out of your body and into the world?
What is compelling you, at this moment in time, to dance?