Holy Moly People --

We raised $1,795.28 for Mirror Image Arts!

How in the world, wow and thank you.

Can’t believe it, and of course I can — it’s you.

Moved, floored, and delighted by your generosity.

A 1,000 points of light — that is YOU.

And these are the people who made it happen:

Freddi Acora, Boulder, Colorado
Kurt Bodden, Oakland, California
Laura Brenton, Boulder, Colorado
Joan Bruemmer, Longmont, Colorado
Megan Christensen, Louisville, Colorado
Alissa Davies, Boulder, Colorado
Gabrielle Edison, Boulder, Colorado
Åsa Fagerlund, Stokholm, Sweden
Janet Feder, Denver, Colorado
Miki Fire, Boulder, Colorado
Ori Flomin, NYC, NY
Johannah Franke, Boulder, Colorado
Kate Frothingham, Portland, Oregon
Felicia Furman, Boulder, Colorado
Claire Garland, Wheatridge, Colorado
Margaret Harris, Wilson, Wyoming
Melinda Harrison, Boulder, Colorado
Aileen Hayden, Hamilton, Ontario
Griffin Jensen, Longmont, Colorado
Glen Kalen, Jamestown, Colorado
Mark Kalen, Boulder, Colorado
Cameron Kelly, Seattle, Washington
Jenny Epstein Kessem, Boulder, Colorado
Kate Kissngford, Ouray, Colorado
Sharon Korman, Paris, France
Brooke Laura, Buffalo, NY
Elizabeth MacKinnon, Ottawa, Canada
Alexis Miles, Longmont, Colorado
Rivvy Neshama, Boulder, Colorado
Liza Patrick, Boulder, Colorado
Renae Vagher Quinn, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marjorie Rotkin, Lyons, Colorado
Jill Sigman, NYC, NY
Val Stepien, Denver, Colorado
Sam Teets, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Helen Turner, Jamestown, Colorado
Bethany Wall, Jersey City, NJ

I'm wondering how to move forward from here, because honestly I’ve completely confused myself — this is a dance newsletter, not a fundraising newsletter. You have stepped up so completely to meet the dance of raising this money these last few weeks, that I am simply astounded, and I am also unsure what the next step is or how to take it.

Right now I have to run as I’m about to get on an all day training session on zoom (wahoo!), but know I am thinking and wondering about dancing -- about the breath inside the body, and the body inside the breath -- and how that relates to all we have talked about these past few weeks: power, privilege, racism, anti-racism, oppression, violence, peace, and liberation.

I thinking about the shape of us, and how we want to map that from here.

Thank you everyone.


It is a beautiful thing that you did.

With love,

PS: If you still want to donate to Mirror Image Arts but just haven't gotten around to it yet, no problem. Email me and we can send a second check...I don't think they'd mind :).

PPS: I imagine about 95% of you have heard this already, but in case you haven't, a little sweetness:

The Long Distance Chorus.
