long ago dance photo
/Small Moment of Sky with Jayne Lee, Delisa Myles, Breanna Rogers and Joanna Rotkin. Photo by Earl Duque, 2009.
Hot diggity dog y'all, we raised $1,733.11 for YAASPA!
Many thanks for making that happen:
Polly Motley: Stowe, Vermont
Jude Blitz: Boulder, Colorado
Margaret Harris: Wilson, Wyoming
Alissa Davies: Boulder, Colorado
Kate Frothingham: Portland, Oregon
Nancy Portnoy: Boulder, Colorado
Samuel Teets: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Rivvy Neshama: Boulder, Colorado
Brooke Laura: Buffalo, New York
Laura Brenton: Boulder, Colorado
Kate Kissingford: Ouray, Colorado
Gabrielle Edison: Boulder, Colorado
Laura Ann Samuelson: Boulder, Colorado
Alana Rancourt Phinney: Montpelier, Vermont
Mark Kalen: Boulder, Colorado
One Big Yes Productions/Nancy Cranbourne: Boulder, Colorado
Aileen Hayden: Boulder, Colorado
Erika Primozich: Boulder, Colorado
Claire Garland: Wheatridge, Colorado
Val Stepien: Denver, Colorado
Johannah Franke: Boulder, Colorado
Tom Sundro Lewis: Boulder, Colorado
Sharon Korman: Paris, France
Crystal Polis: Boulder, Colorado
Nicole Setty: Boulder, Colorado
Barbara Douma: Whidbey Island, Washington
Liza Patrick: Boulder, Colorado
Lucy Braham: Boulder, Colorado
Speaking of raising money, I had my first training with The Giving Project on Saturday through The Chinook Fund. My understanding of the world and my place in it won’t ever be the same.
Over the next 6 months, our cohort of 28 people from super different backgrounds and perspectives will be raising money for constituent led Colorado organizations. All organizations The Giving Project funds are "actively challenging practices that dehumanize and isolate people, and cultivate practices that bring people together across our differences to achieve community-led, systemic change, justice and peace."
The Giving Project believes -- and I do too -- "That everyone has a role to play in our collective liberation.”
Will keep you posted as this new stream finds its way.
The Fall Dog Dance Session started yesterday, and oh it felt so good to be back with everyone!
After dancing, we had a tender conversation about the word "yield".
Åsa, who is from Sweden, wasn't quite sure what the word meant, and after listening to the conversation for awhile, going back and forth across the screen, said, "So this word yield, this is connected to longing?"
Paulette said, about yielding,
"When I think of the word, "yield," I think of letting go. Sometimes just plain giving in to the inevitable. Not resisting. But when I think of the traffic sign of Yield, I see it very differently. It is not a stop sign or a green light. It's an active state of attention and awareness. Sometimes there is the necessity of stillness, but mostly it is a slow movement. Watching, waiting, and then moving when the moment is right. In this kind of yield there is room for action and resistance, but not blindly throwing ourselves into things because we can't stand the frustration of being patient. It is about movement that is congruent with the situation."