3 simple steps to end all suffering
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I can’t tell you how to end all suffering!
I sure wish I could.
Wouldn’t that be something.
But I can tell you how to start improvising.
I can’t do it in 3 steps though.
I have to do it in 10.
Great, here we go:
1. Notice your breath.
2. Notice where your eyes are.
3. Notice the sensations in your body.
4. On your exhale, move.
5. On your inhale, be still.
6. During the gaps between the inhale and exhale, notice what you hear.
7. Trust that you know what to do.
8. Keep going.
9. Look up, look down, look from one side and then the other. Notice how the looking can lead your body through space
10. Now close your eyes, and start dancing for just 10 seconds.
How did that feel?
Try the 10 steps again.
1 Notice your breath.
2. Notice where your eyes are.
3. Notice the sensations in your body.
4. On your exhale, move.
5. On your inhale, be still.
6. During the gaps between the inhale and exhale, notice what you hear
7. Trust that you know what to do.
8. Keep going.
9. Look up, look down, look from one side and then the other. Notice how the looking can lead your body through space.
10. Now close your eyes, and start dancing, but this time dance for 30 seconds.
Now give yourself one whole minute to see what arises.
Start from lying down on the floor in an x position, or sitting in a chair, or just standing in the middle of your kitchen.
Whatever you want to do, right now and at this very moment, do it.
Do you want to skip, twirl, be still, or lift your arms as slowly as you can to make bird wings?
Do you want to flap your bird wings, shake your head back and forth, or bark like a dog?
That was fantastic.
I think you have the beginning of a solo.
Okay, now I want you to start again, and this time you are going to notice what arises for the next 5 minutes.
Are you swooping? Are you still? or Are you scared?
Are you high stepping? Are you humming? or Are you making kissing noises out the window at the neighbor?
Now do it for 10 minutes.
Start from lying down on the floor in an x position, or sitting in a chair, or just standing in the middle of your kitchen.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
Follow your body and your sensation and your delight and your instinct.
Was there any type of uproar or was it quiet?
Do you want to do it again??
You do?
Do it again. And again. And again.
That is how to start improvising.
No, I didn’t end all suffering today.
I’m really sorry about that.
But I hope I got your improvising.
Because in a very tiny way -- and sometimes in a huge and gigantic way that I don't know to articulate -- I think improvising is essential.
It won't ever end all suffering, but it might make it a bit less painful.
As always, I love hearing from you.
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With Warmth and Jivey Vibes, Joanna of Joanna and The Agitators sweetly agitating/persistently upending www.joannaandtheagitators.com