brainy beautiful fun

Something is shifting.

In this dance.

Some sort of revival is taking place.

Some sort of quiet hoopla.

I can feel it in the sweetness, delicacy, and verve of moving through space here on this earth.

I can sense it in all layers of reality that float in and out, sometimes entering in with a piercing clarity, and sometimes hanging out around the edges, just watching.

Yesterday, during a SPILL Movement lab 

(SPILL is made up of Cortney McGuire, Chrissy Nelson, Laura Ann Samuelson and I.   I can’t remember what SPILL stands for.   We came up with something we all really liked and never wrote it down.  Or if we did, I can’t find the piece of paper where we wrote it down.  Maybe it was Somatics/Performance/Improvisation/Lab/Lab??).

I sat behind a plant and pulled dead leaves off, crunched them up in my hand and threw them at Cortney and Chrissy.    

And that was IT. 

I understood the world in that moment and I understood how my body fit in with all of the other bodies that have existed in this universe:  past, present and future.

The dancing is expanding and a portal to something other than what we already know is available on a more consistent and regular basis.

Is it quantum mechanics or string theory or cellular reconfiguration?

I have no idea.

I just know that I am dancing, and that something is shifting.

Your dance mission for the week is to dance in silence for 3 minutes, then dance to this song: and then dance in silence again for as long as you want.

Notice how you feel, notice your breath, follow what is emerging.

Please share this with two friends:  One who dances a lot, and another that doesn’t dance at all.

See what how they respond.

If they like it, and are intrigued, have them sign-up here to receive a weekly email from me.

And post it on any and all social media platforms, if you wish.

Then head on over hear to post a response, as you know how much I love hearing from you.

With Warmth and Jivey Vibes,



Joanna and The Agitators

sweetly agitating/persistently upending


A few spots have opened up for the summer session. If you are interested in experiencing some brainy, beautiful fun, email me and I will get you all set up.

xo jo