Interstellar Space Activity
/How are you and how was your holiday?
Mine was quiet and cozy, with long days unfolding into hours of hiking, cooking, reading, and friendship.
I’m a little bit anxious about moving away from that and getting back into my schedule, where everything has it’s place within a pre-determined time limit.
I am comforted though, by this quote I found on Facebook, while procrastinating this morning:
“Dance is an interstellar space activity” — Nia Love
It is?
It is!
Interstellar (which I just looked up) means: “Occurring or situated between the stars”.
So there you go.
This drops me right back into the timeless wandering I was embarking on these past few weeks, even as I scramble to meet deadlines, pay the bills, and catch up on all the work I let slide to a screeching halt over the holidays.
My sense is that simply arriving into a given situation, not matter what it is, noticing your breath, and then waiting to see what emerges is the place to explore right now.
The waiting, the noticing - that’s what is situated between the stars.
Lately - if I am patient enough, and allow myself to wait and notice - I fall into a dance that I never could have imagined.
A dance where I am being carried and transported through space and time.
Of course, I don’t always fall into this kind of dance.
Sometimes it takes awhile before I fall, sometimes I’m falling in and out, and many times I muddle around in the dark for hours, never letting go, never falling.
All are intriguing to me though, some experiences more delightful and pleasurable, but all curious enough that I continue to follow and allow for the discomfort that is inevitable when participating in an interstellar space activity such as this. When I’m in this waiting, this noticing, this not sure if I will fall or not fall into interstellar space, I feel my grandmothers with me. They are sitting and watching, waiting and noticing to see if I will let myself fall into and among the stars. For some reason, this brings me comfort and solidity when I am spinning around in space.
Your dance mission for the first week of this new year is to notice your own interstellar space activity as it occurs throughout an ordinary day.
When you are doing the dishes, paying the bills, or giving the kids a bath: notice your breath, feel the palm of your hand against the rim of the bathtub, feel your fingertips on the keys of the computer: keep noticing - everything - and see where you land.
With Warmth and Jivey Vibes for a brilliant and bountiful New Year, Joanna of Joanna and The Agitators sweetly agitating/persistently upending