/Do I give a rat’s squishy tushy about fashion?
Not in the least — which is obvious to those who know me.
But I had an encounter with a Prada store a few years back that re-wired the circuits in my brain in a most beautiful way.
I was driving to Marfa, TX to do a workshop with Nina Martin.
About an hour outside of Marfa, on a deserted and desolate desert road, with no topography to speak of and nothing to see except for sage brush and tumbleweeds, I saw -- out of the corner of my eye -- a rather chic and urban looking building to my right, with a sign that said “Prada”.
I pulled the car to a screeching halt, jumped out, and tried the doors to the Prada Store, which were locked.
"Strange", I said to myself.
I peered into windows, walked around the building, peered in again, knocked, walked, peered, knocked once more and then realized….
This wasn’t a store…this was an art instillation in the middle of the desert.
This Prada “store” sitting in the middle of the desert was so surreal, so bizarre, so out of place and context, that I sat down in the dirt, next to the sage brush and the tumble weed, leaned back on my hands, looked up into the sky, and laughed.
I told this story at the Colorado Creative Industries Summit last week as part of the panel I was on.
Someone came up to me afterward and told me her own encounter with a Prada store:
She and her husband were in NYC, touring the museums.
They walked into the Guggenheim Museum, and saw multiple Prada mannequins with dark sunglasses and black bikini bathing suits, the Prada price tag dangling off of the bottoms.
They wandered about in the museum for a bit, taking in the space between and among the mannequins, noticing and commenting on the multiplicity of the scantily clad plastic women, and wondering if the price tag and the bikinis were in reference to consumerism, americana, sexuality? The dark glasses indicating “not seeing”, perhaps?
Then they saw the cash register.
And they someone walking out the door with a Prada shopping bag.
They weren’t at the Guggenheim.
They were at an actual Prada store.
The Guggenheim had moved locations, and Prada had taken over it’s former locale.
Oh, how I laughed when hearing this story.
It made me think about all of the random moments in my life where I have entered into a space or a situation and have been surprised and astonished at what I am encountering.
The time I was walking along 5th Avenue in Brooklyn, late at night, with a friend, and we happened upon a group of people all dressed in what looked like paper costumes, on the rooftop of a building, dancing.
The time I was leading a group of 5th graders on a hike, and one of the boys kept saying to the rest of the kids:
“I can’t wait to have a soda from the soda machine when we get to the top of the mountain.”
In turn, I kept saying, “We are on a mountain, in the middle of nowhere…there is no soda machine at the top of the mountain.”
He would reply: “Do you know that for SURE? Are you 100% positive there is no soda machine at the top of the mountain? Have you ever been to the top of this mountain before?”
“No. I have not been to the top of this mountain before. Have you?”
“No! I hate hiking. I'm only here my mom MADE me go."
“Okay, well I’m 99.999% sure that we will not stumble upon a soda machine when we get to the top of this or any other mountain.”
“So there’s still a possibility that there could be a soda machine at the top of the mountain, right?”
“Yes, there's still a possibility…a very small possibility, but a possibility.”
You guessed it:
When we got to the top of the mountain, there was a giant vending machine, with all different kinds of sodas for the kids to choose from.
The boy beamed: “I told you so.”
Your Dance Mission for the week is to notice any inexplicable and astonishing moments you encounter in your day to day life.
These moments can be as small as witnessing someone having a private dance party at the coffee shop, seeing an animated conversation in the car next to you at the stoplight, or closely observing the walking patters and near misses that take place in a big crowd.
Or these moments can be as big as stumbling upon an an unexpected happening or event that leaves you sitting in the dirt, mouth open wide, laughing, gawking, wondering….WHAAAAAAAT????
I would love to hear about what you notice, see, encounter, and engage with, so post about your experience here.
1. FREE DANCE CLASSES: May 31st and June 2nd from 11-1pm at The Boulder Circus Center Email me if you plan to be there, and feel free to bring a friend.
2. Dancing this summer….lotsa lotsa opportunities. Click here for more info. I would love to have you in class!!
With Warmth and Jivey Vibes, Joanna of Joanna and The Agitators sweetly agitating/persistently upending