the moon

My friend Sharon is here right now and we are in the middle of a dance residency. This includes:

A slow morning of eggs, toast, and a little dark chocolate.

Talking and tea.

More talking. More chocolate.


Talking and tea.

Lunch (which includes chocolate).


Talking and tea.


A little more talking. A little more dancing, A little more chocolate.

A hike in the mountains.

And then more talking - about dancing.

It is slow and spacious and unscheduled.

We are following an internal pull to move, to rest, and to move again.

There is a slow awakening into dancing, and a slow descend into stillness. We have run out of chocolate and tea for now, but we still have the moon.


Your dance mission for the week is this:

Block out two hours that you are going to dedicate solely to dancing.

This doesn’t mean you have to dance for the whole two hours.

It just means that you have two hours to follow what emerges for you in your body.

You may find yourself lying on the ground for a good portion of this time.

You may find yourself building a rock garden.

You may find yourself moaning.

You may find yourself tapping your fingers on the surfaces of things.

You may find yourself climbing up and down the staircase in different rhythmical patterns.

You may find yourself folding into and out of the furniture, the walls, the closets of the space you are in.

Trust the process implicitly.

Even as you question and ponder and doubt and become fearful or numb:

Trust it.

Hints for making these two hours lovely and exquisite:

Have a lot of tea on hand.

Have chocolate and cheeses available, olives and good bread, herring and sausage for protein.

Have your journal and any art supplies you might need.

Have warm clothes, warm socks, and maybe even a hat.

Notice when you are present. Notice when you are looking at the clock.

Notice your breath. Notice where your eyes are.

Notice the sensations in your body at the same time that you are are noticing the larger world right outside of your window.

And if you can:

Do this dance mission with a good and trusted friend who is also interested in dancing, creativity, embodiment, and imagination.

Post about your experience here:

or here:


As always,

With Warmth, Joanna of Joanna and the Agitators. sweetly agitating/persistently upending


I almost forgot!

1. The Anatomy of Improvisation is FULL.

If you would like to get on the waiting list, email me.

2. Just Girls is FULL.

If you would like to get on the waiting list, email me.

3. There is still room in Creative Movement for Kids.

Email asap if you would like to sign your child up for this class because we start next week!

4. Dance Vacations are coming up and there are only two spots left:

Email if you would like to sign up.

5. Family Dance Days are coming up too.

Email me if you would like to sign up.

and finally…..

The Failure Festival, produced and curated by Laura Ann Samuelson of Hoarded Stuff, is right around the corner.

I am working on a new duet with Emily K. Harrison called Beam Me Up, Scotty.

Check out the Failure Festival Website for more information:
