Getting ready for Dog Dance after hearing Dr. Angela Davis speak this weekend about undoing structures and re-thinking assimilation.
Getting ready for Dog Dance after hearing the incredible Judge Helen Whitener speak about understanding the codes -- the rules of conduct -- and advocating from within.
The opposite of what Dr. Davis was speaking of perhaps?
Not sure, though the back and forth between these two women had me sitting at the edge of my seat.
Getting ready for Dog Dance after a weekend spent in Florida listening, learning, and struggling to understand the systems that have shaped a world that is not fair or just.
Getting ready for Dog Dance and wondering about the fate of the NEA, the EPA, PBS, NPR and all of the things that I care about and participate in.
Getting ready for Dog Dance and paying attention as best I can, so as not to miss any steps.
Getting ready for Dog Dance and feeling lost sometimes, found at others.
Getting ready for Dog Dance and reading about Trisha.
I wonder what she would have said on that panel with Dr. Angela Davis and Judge Helen Whitener.
Would she have steered the conversation in an entirely new direction that we can't begin to imagine, or would she simply have started to dance?
Warmth, Love, and Wonder,
Joanna and The Agitators
sweetly agitating/persistently upending |