I know this is a newsletter about dancing, but there is so much wildlife happening here this summer, I can’t stand it!
1. Hummingbirds in the courtyard.
For the past month we have been watching hummingbird parents fly in and out of the nest they built, to sit on their eggs.
Recently the eggs cracked open and now the parents swoop in every half hour or so to feed the baby birds, whose beaks point straight up into the sky. The babies open up their beaks and urgently reach when the mother or the father fly in to feed.
The nest the hummingbirds built is stunning: there are bits of flower petals — yellow and purple — mixed in with the weeds and the grass.
2. Coyotes howling, wild turkey’s fighting, deer feasting, last summer the sighting of a moose (not this summer though, at least not yet), bunnies hopping, bob cats prowling, foxes darting, ravens roosting,
3. AND my most favorite moment of all (I'm soooooo jealous I missed it):
A mountain lion sauntered in front of our house last week, in the middle of the day, bolted up the mountain, jumped on a deer, KILLED THAT DEER, and then ran.
In the middle of the day, right in front of our house!
Glen, who saw it all, said the whole thing happened in seconds.
We looked at the body of the deer through our binoculars until the mountain lion came back that night and dragged her to a more secure location, to feast in private, I guess.
Awhile back, maybe 5 years ago or so, I was taking my morning hike and I came across the body of a deer. It totally freaked me out, and it took me a few seconds to realized what had happened.
I remember thinking, “Murder. There’s been a murder", which of course is a silly way to think about it, but that’s what popped into my head when I saw the body. I stared at that body, covered in sticks and leaves, wondering who was trying to hide the evidence.
For the next week or so, I hiked up there every day, and watched as a part of the deer disappeared until all that was left was a pile of fur.
What this has to do with dancing, I have no idea, except for this:
At every wild sighting I see, I exclaim “Ah” and “Oh” and “Hmmm” with a little burst of breath at the end of each exclamation.
And those sounds, as I've mentioned before, also happen in class.
No matter how hard I try to keep quiet, a sound creeps out of me, as surprise and beauty spill into the world.
“When before the beauty of a sunset or a mountain, you pause and exclaim, "Ah," you are participating in divinity.” — Ancient Hindu Text.
Let’s add dancing in there too.
With Warmth,
Joanna and The Agitators
sweetly agitating/persistently upending
So many PS’s today, you might want to get your calendar out!
Free Community Dance Classes:
Tuesday, September 5th
Thursday, September 7th
10:15am-12:15pm at The Boulder Circus Center.
Fall Dance Session:
The Anatomy of Improvisation
Tuesday, September 12th - Thursday, December 14th.
10:15-12:15pm at The Boulder Circus Center.
First Friday of the Month Dance Club:
Practicing and presenting improvisational performance
Meet at The Boulder Circus Center the First Friday of each month from 5-7pm.
October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st
January 5th
February 2nd
March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
Showings on January 5th and May 4th.
Dog Dance:
Next Performance of Dog Dance is on Friday, August 18th
Next Learning to Dog Dance Workshop is on Saturday, August 19th.
If you're interested in participating in any of the above offerings, email me.
xoxoxoox |